We all are very much aware about the new novel virus outbreak. We have contained ourselves into our very own homes. So as to help to aid the delayed spread of the Corona virus. But regardless of the effor the situation has taken a fatal turn. And now we are in dire need for a cure for this pandemic. In light of the COVID19 situation Google and Apple announced that they were working on privacy focused update for the COVID19 tracking feature.
Finally the wait is over, Google and Apple has made their update available to us. However, the devices having no google play services will not be able to get this service on their device, more on this below. As soon as the tracking update was made available. People over the internet are furious about being cheated on by Google. Some even claiming that these companies invaded their privacy, without their consent. But is it really so ? Did Google and Apple really invade privacy with their COVID19 tracking feature ?
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About COVID19 tracking

This update from Google and Apple is not out of the blue. They made an announcement two months back. Their claims being that they will make first in months to come. They informed the media about the work in progress and how they are focusing on user’s privacy more than ever. And finally here we are with the update rolled out.
You can read more about the tracking here on Google’s own website. They have nicely explained why and how to use their feature. If you’re making up your mind about the COVID19 tracking feature. It is a must read for you.
Infuriated people on the internet
Well, over the internet people are getting furious about what google has done. They claim that google has installed application without their consent. As seen here the user is getting annoyed about the move by Google. The user is outraged claiming that google has gone out of its way on this matter.
The user has also claimed to remove all of the google services from their devices. This however is a single thread on the internet being discussed. You can find other tons of threads with similar disregard for COVID19 tracking by these corporations.
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The truth
Some people might eventually find this section a bit biased. But truth be told, Google did not really install any additional application in you devices. Then how did they add this feature? Well, that is one good question. And to answer that I will be explaining it a little more.
Google in itself provides a variety of services. These services includes everything from games, movies to even music. To provide you with such services google has multiple application pre-packaged with the device. These application are added during the manufacturing process. It is to ensure you get smooth experience using their services.
COVID19 tracking is nothing more but another one of such feature. And it is provided as one of the ad-dons complementing the Android OS. Nothing has been installed without your permission. It’s all a part of the Android API.
Where can I find this feature ?
By default this feature is not enabled in your devices. But if you wish you can enable or even just explore it. The location for this might vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. But there is a common setting in settings of every manufacturer.
For Android users: You have to navigate to Settings > Google > COVID-19 exposure notification
For iOS users: no information available